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Collect Factory Data in a Snap
Improve Productivity with Actionable Data
Does your company have a goal to collect data from across your factory this year?
Do you have legacy equipment, or a wide variety of different signal outputs that make implementing an IIOT solution a challenge? If so, you're not alone.
IIOT That Works in Your Existing Setup
Data collection gives you a new level of insight into your processes. Suddenly, downtime disappears and predictive maintenance is based on your machine's actual condition, not on a manufacturer's datasheet.Controller
The DXMR90 is a central component of Banner’s Snap Signal system for device monitoring. This Industrial Controller houses a processor that receives signals from sensors and other connected devices, through four dedicated Modbus ports. As a centralized hub, the DXMR90 combines all of these signals into one unified stream of insightful diagnostic data which can be exported out through industrial Ethernet protocols.
Unlock valuable equipment data from new and existing devices with Banner’s S15C and R45C converters. These converters allow you to connect two previously incompatible device types and seamlessly transmit data across multiple IIoT ecosystems. S15C and R45C Converters take various types of signals including discrete, analog, and others and transform these signals to industrial protocols like IO-Link or Modbus. This makes it easy to incorporate existing legacy sensors into standard protocols to enable process monitoring.
S15A in-line adapters easily redirect wiring from one pin to another to match specific application requirements. The compact adapters are designed to connect directly to sensors, indicators, or other devices. This allows you to begin operating immediately.