Tech Tip Banner Q3X Contrast Reliability
Today’s tip will teach you how to calculate the contrast reliability of an application using the new Q3X by Banner Engineering.
In order for a sensing application using the Q3X to be considered reliable, there has to be a contrast between the two targets of at least 1.1 or 10%.
As you know, the read-out on the Q3X is the amount of Light the receiver is sensing from the return beam of light. This is called the Normalized Signal Strength.
To calculate the contrast, take the NSS Value Light divided by the NSS Value Dark.
A less than 1.1 contrast has a marginal application reliability. A contrast of 1.1 to 1.3 has a low application reliability. The greater the contrast number, the greater the reliability of the application. Any contrast greater than 3 is an excellent application for this sensor. (show the chart)
In this example, the red target gives a Normalized Signal Strength value of 160 and the Blue target give a Normalized Signal Strength Value of 57. If we take 160 divided by 57 the contrast value is 2.8, so this application has a robust contrast reliability.
To find out more about the Q3X Laser contrast sensor by Banner, be sure to check out our other videos. Don’t forget to subscribe by clicking on the link, and we’ll see you next time on Ramco TV.