Connecting a Banner Presence Plus Camera to AB PLC
In this article and video, Brad Vorrie walks you through how
to set up your Banner Presence Plus Camera to an Allen Bradley Compact Logix
PLC over Ethernet IP. Ethernet IP is one of the most common industrial protocols
in the United States for industrial automation use. Many devices on the market
utilize this protocol. It's not only reduced wiring but also allows for more information
and control from a device. Although we're not an Allen Bradley distributor,
we're going to show you how to set up the Banner Presence Plus Camera with an
Allen Bradley Controllogix PLC. Let's take a look
Here's a screenshot of both the Banner Presence Plus software
and rslogix 5000. As you can see this target IP address of my camera is the
first thing on the Ethernet port. Right click Ethernet and select new module
under communications. We're going to select generic Ethernet module. First
thing give it a name. I'm going to sign Banner p4. For IP address enter in the
target IP address of 192168 0.2 in complement. I like to choose data integers
so they come back in 16-bit integers. Input instance is going to be 101 with
the size of 240. Output instance is going to be 112 with a size of 4 and
configuration is 128 size of 0, as the camera does not require any configuration.
Press ok and then under the RPI choose an RPI of 100 miliseconds. Simply go
ahead and download your program. Now that I've downloaded and online take a
look back at generic module and make sure there are no errors. There are no
flags and a status as I'm running so now if I look at controller tags and look
at my input information I am already getting data. So what's in this data? I
look back at my white paper I can see what's in this information. The data
inputs contains output flags acknowledgments what current inspection number I'm
running errors and other counters in within the output flags. I will get my
pass/fail error bits as well as ready in my acknowledgement flags which are
really useful to make sure your inputs go into the camera correctly. I get an acknowledgment
meant that the that the camera received the trigger remote teach as well as
product change on the output tags to the PLC. Here's where I'm going to trigger
the camera give it a remote teach or issue a product change. Now that we setup
our generic module and looked at the description of the input and output instructions,
let's take a look at a working program. I'm going to remotely trigger the
camera from the PLC. My inspection past triggeed it again. My inspection failed
and indicated back to the PLC so on remotely change programs simply type in the
program number for my new program, issue the product change request fit, and
then the product changed.